Yoga Teacher Training Myth #2

“Virtual learning just doesn’t translate to Yoga Teacher Training”


A virtual training is different than an in person experience but it doesn’t take away from a training experience. There are many benefits to doing a virtual training, here are just a few:
+ You can learn from the comfort of your own home or on the go
+ You learn how to teach others through the online platform (something that many are shifting to).
+ You have the ability to rewatch the live lectures, as we record them all and send them out each week, giving you more opportunity to learn and study
+ You connect with people from near and far

The Virtual Twist Yoga Teacher Training sets you up to understand the why behind teaching yoga, so that when you are in front of someone, whether that’s on a screen on in person, you can identify how to help the student/s access the shapes in a way that will benefit them most through the knowledge of understanding how the body works and how to cue students in the most effective way possible.

Well, we wondered about that too but we have actually found the opposite be true for three main reasons:

1. The virtual TY YTT program specifically emphasizes teaching you how to cue and teach verbally rather than physically demonstrating the shapes and/or using hands-on adjustments. This creates a safe environment for everyone.

2. We record all our classes, learning, videos and presentations. This means you can go back and rewatch the modules as often as you need. Maybe you didn’t quite get the sequence of Sun A, or the pronunciation of “chakras” or are questions the spelling of a sanskrit word. With recorded classes you can go back and take your time - as often as you’d like!

3. With the virtual TY YTT, you get much more opportunities to teach classes - virtually. This translates to more confidence and experience when you graduate.

Interested in finding out about the next training? Contact Heidi McInroe to learn more.


What our Virtual Yoga Teacher Training is and is not.


Yoga Teacher Training Myth #1