Why should you support locally owned business, you ask?

It's good for the economy.

Every dollar spent at a locally owned business circulates in the local economy longer than dollars spent at non-locally owned businesses. Studies show that spending $100 locally generates an additional $45 to $68 in economic activity, compared to only $14 if spent at a national chain.

1. It's cool to be local. When you shop at locally owned businesses, you can talk to the owner, get to know the people who work there and meet other customers. Whether it's your favorite restaurant, a grocery store or a boutique, you'll find that shopping in a community where everyone knows your name is much better than going through the motions at a big chain.

2. Local businesses help local charities. Local business owners like to give back to their communities by donating to local charities and nonprofit organizations. For example, in 2016, Costco donated $33 million to various charities throughout the United States. In comparison, Walmart donated only $16 million. While Walmart is still one of the largest retailers in the world and their donation is nothing to scoff at, it's clear that Costco is doing more for its communities than Walmart is.

3. You'll have more fun when you shop small. Local businesses often host special events such as cocktail hours or book readings so they can increase visibility in their communities and get people involved in their stores — something you won't see at chains where you will never meet the actual owner or the person who signs the checks!

But many people go about their day without thinking about shopping at a local business. In fact, many people don't even take 30 seconds to think about the impact on their community when they shop at a big chain store or large retail store over a smaller independent local business.

Supporting local businesses can help improve the local economy by giving money back into the community. The more money spent in the area, the more money circulates around the economy and helps all business owners thrive.


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