Honoring the Full BLUE moon

The term "Blue Moon" refers to the occurrence of two full moons within the same calendar month. The full moon in August 2023 is considered a "Blue Moon" when it happens on August 30 - 31st.

Practicing yoga during a Blue Moon can be a meaningful way to connect with the lunar energy and set intentions for the upcoming cycle. Here are some suggestions on how to honor the Blue Moon through yoga:

  1. Moon Salutations: Just as Sun Salutations honor the energy of the sun, Moon Salutations are a series of yoga poses that honor the moon. Incorporate Moon Salutations into your practice to synchronize with the lunar cycle and express gratitude for the moon's influence on the Earth and its creatures. (Check out Cynthia’s Moon Salutations class on Twist Yoga Anytime to practice anytime and anywhere! Remember that Platinum Members get FREE access to this as a perk of membership)

  2. Yin Yoga: Consider practicing Yin Yoga, a gentle and meditative style of yoga that involves holding passive stretches for an extended period. Yin Yoga can help you tap into the lunar energy of introspection, receptivity, and stillness. (join us for Yin/Restorative yoga at the studio on M/F at 7pm and Sat at 11am!)

  3. Meditation: Take time during your practice to meditate on the significance of the Blue Moon. Reflect on your intentions, aspirations, and any emotions that come up during this time. Meditation can help you find clarity and focus for the upcoming lunar cycle.

  4. Journaling: Before or after your yoga practice, spend some time journaling your thoughts and feelings. Write down your intentions for the coming month, what you want to release or let go of, and what you wish to cultivate in your life.

  5. Moonlit Practice: If possible, practice yoga outside under the light of the Blue Moon. Being in nature and under the moon's glow can enhance your connection to the lunar energy.

  6. Moon Bathing: After your practice, consider spending some quiet time outdoors, gazing at the moon and absorbing its energy. It can be a meditative and calming experience.

  7. Setting Intentions: During your practice, set your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Focus on what you want to manifest, achieve, or work on during this time.

    Remember, the Blue Moon is a potent time for reflection, release, and intention-setting. Allow your yoga practice to be an expression of your connection with the natural rhythms of the universe.


Journey with the Full Moon


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